Video: Think outside the box

Think a card board box is just a card board box? Think again: This video shows six genius and creative ways to make the most out of a simple card box. This is not just a great way to create additional storage space but also to get creative with the kids.


Reasons to Utilize Professional Solution of Storage for Home Renovation

The home remodelling is not a one day task but requires a lot of professional effort. Before it begins there comes to the need of shifting of belongings which are clearly cannot be avoided. Ignoring this can lead to a lot of damage and destruction which none would like to experience. Therefore, as much the experts’ assistance is required for doing the material selection, fitting or painting that much it is necessary to have a professional solution for storage. Fortunately, there are now many companies that are offering similar support. Though, for utilizing the same it is important to have knowledge how to take the complete advantage of it.

For the help read the post till the end to take consideration of things that can be put at the Storage for Home Renovation. The first and the most important item which should be kept on the priority are documents. These fall into the category of the most imperative articles to be safe and secure. It will avoid them getting soiled or tore apart while the remodelling task is going on. The second most essential entities are fragile glassware that is precious too. These are the most vulnerable items at home which can easily get into the piece by merely getting a slightest hit during the movement from a room to another.

Apart from these during the residential remodelling, kitchen wares always take a lot of space which hinders the work but also at the same time is required instantly. Henceforth, the professional Storage for Home Renovation will be the best solution to store them for the few hours by paying the charges. All these above are giving the right reasons for reaching out to the service providers. Thus, take the help of internet and shortlist the best-reviewed and rated company.


10 simple ways to save money on your energy bills

Saving money on your energy bill isn’t that difficult if you follow a few very simple steps. Amazingly, each one of the tips below can save up to £211 a year. That’s equal to over 2 months of free energy for the average household.

Wash your clothes at 30 degrees
Washing your clothes at 30 degrees can save up to £7 a year on your energy bills.

Dry your clothes on a washing line or a clothes horse
If the weather’s good and you have space, dry your clothes on a washing line, or a clothes horse, to save £30 a year.

Only boil the amount of water you need
You can save up to £6 a year by only boiling the water you need when using the kettle.

Turn the thermostat down a notch
Turning your thermostat down by one degree can save you £80 a year.

Turn your appliances off standby
Turn your appliances off by the switch to save £35 a year.

Turn off the lights
You could save £13 off your annual energy bill if you switch off the lights when you leave the room.

Shower for a minute less
Cut your shower time by one minute and save £7 a year on your energy bills.

Wash up in a bowl
Don’t keep the tap running. Use a bowl of water to do your washing up and save £25 a year.

Fill up your washing machine when doing a wash
If you can, wait until you have enough dirty clothes before putting a wash in. You could save £5 on your yearly energy bills.

Swap your bath time for a 5 minute shower
And finally, you’ll save £10 on your energy bills for every 2 people that choose to have a 5 minute shower instead of a bath.

Source: Energy Saving Trust