
10 simple ways to save money on your energy bills

Saving money on your energy bill isn’t that difficult if you follow a few very simple steps. Amazingly, each one of the tips below can save up to £211 a year. That’s equal to over 2 months of free energy for the average household.

Wash your clothes at 30 degrees
Washing your clothes at 30 degrees can save up to £7 a year on your energy bills.

Dry your clothes on a washing line or a clothes horse
If the weather’s good and you have space, dry your clothes on a washing line, or a clothes horse, to save £30 a year.

Only boil the amount of water you need
You can save up to £6 a year by only boiling the water you need when using the kettle.

Turn the thermostat down a notch
Turning your thermostat down by one degree can save you £80 a year.

Turn your appliances off standby
Turn your appliances off by the switch to save £35 a year.

Turn off the lights
You could save £13 off your annual energy bill if you switch off the lights when you leave the room.

Shower for a minute less
Cut your shower time by one minute and save £7 a year on your energy bills.

Wash up in a bowl
Don’t keep the tap running. Use a bowl of water to do your washing up and save £25 a year.

Fill up your washing machine when doing a wash
If you can, wait until you have enough dirty clothes before putting a wash in. You could save £5 on your yearly energy bills.

Swap your bath time for a 5 minute shower
And finally, you’ll save £10 on your energy bills for every 2 people that choose to have a 5 minute shower instead of a bath.

Source: Energy Saving Trust