Video: IKEA Upcycling Inspiration

Who doesn’t like a trip to IKEA? Usually, you end up with some half-decent affordable furniture, a bag of tealights and a plate of meatballs with potato mash in the restaurant.

But did you know there is a lot more you can do with IKEA furniture? Upcycling is the key word here and it is super trendy. Check out the video below by “Fia Garcia DIY” to find some great inspiration:


Rent a Long-Term Storage Space to Declutter Your Home!

House renovation is a time-consuming procedure that necessitates taking care of various things. It is not a good idea to leave your stuff unattended around the house in the midst of the commotion. To go through the entire procedure smoothly, you’ll need to plan, organize, and prepare many things ahead of time. You can begin packing your belongings a week before the renovation. Whether you are decluttering or just want to store your possessions during home improvement, keeping them in a storage unit is an excellent idea.

Renting self-storage can be a viable solution in many cases. In the following, we will explain how long-term Home Renovation Storage in Bristol can be beneficial. The remodeling allows you to get rid of items that are no longer needed. You can begin decluttering a month before or after the makeover is done. In any event, you can simply move all of your belongings to a self-storage facility. There’s no reason to stress about disposing of unwanted possessions when you already have a lot on your plate. Just get a sufficient number of boxes and start packing all of your stuff.

Let’s discuss the benefits of renting self-storage. To begin with, regardless of you have a small or large home, space becomes essential when redecorating it. Since you intend to bring in new furnishings, they will considerably require much space. In such a scenario, getting rid of the old stuff will become necessary. To make things easier, storing your old furniture and boxes in a storage unit can free up extra room in your home. Once everything has settled, you can sell your excess items from the storage unit itself.

A fact that renovations might take weeks or even months, you need to clear out the area to ease the process. Items that are not useful at the site will hinder the laborer’s jobs. For that reason, you can rent a long-term Home Renovation Storage in Bristol and keep all of your belongings there. In this manner, you will make enough room for things to get done. Before you bring your possessions to the storage facility, you should determine the size of the unit you require.

You will need the assistance of a specialist to determine the same on your behalf. So, contact a professional storage solution for support. A dependable option that provides both large and small self-storage spaces will understand your needs. Then they will assist you in selecting the ideal size for storing all of your belongings. Those looking for similar assistance can reach out to Stashed Away, a reputed solution based in Bristol. We offer multiple storage options, which are cost-effective too.