Why You Should Get A Self-Storage Unit When Moving House

Why You Should Get A Self-Storage Unit When Moving House
Relocating to a new home can be a difficult task. Apart from having to deal with the pain of leaving your old house, the process of doing complicated paperwork and moving personal belongings can also add to your stress. To help you in this transition, there are different services that you can use to face the challenges associated with moving , one of which is hiring a self-storage unit. Here are a few reasons why investing in a self-storage unit when moving to a new house is a smart move.

Makes your home more appealing to buyers

Usually, buyers look for house that can accommodate all their belongings with room to spare. As such, it is important to make your home look spacious by clearing away your unused items. De- cluttering can create a sense of space and make the room appear larger.

Think of the things that you actually use. Small items like toys or home decorations can be kept in boxes and stored in spaces like the loft or shed. On the other hand, large items like furniture and equipment that you do not need on a regular basis can be packed up and stored away in a self-storage unit. This way, all your possessions are together in a secured place.

Can prepare you for your big move

The process of packing up your belongings, loading them into a removal van and then unloading them at your new home can be stressful and time-consuming , especially if you do it all in one day. To reduce your workload, pack some of your items ahead of the main move a trouvé. Start by packing things you don’t need on a daily basis a few weeks in advance and then continue gradually until the day before your move. Instead of having all the boxes spread all over your house, keep them in a secured storage unit until after the move.

Serves as a temporary storage

It might be necessary for you to live in rented accommodation or to stay with family or friends if your house gets sold before your move. Since you cannot bring all your belongings to the place you’ll be staying, you will need a place where you can temporarily put your items until your new home is ready for occupancy. In this situation, putting your treasured possessions in a self-storage unit can be of great help. This way, you can be assured that your items are in a safe space until you move to your new home.

Stores your possessions whilst you work on your new home

Once you’re ready to move to your new home, you may still have to leave some of your items in the storage unit. This is probably because you have to do some restorative work in your new property. Whilst doing things like redecorating and tackling other projects, it would be hard to move around if there are scattered boxes and furniture. By keeping things that you do not need right away in the self-storage can make your decorating process a lot easier.

If you are moving to your new home and you need a self-storage unit, Stashed Away Storage Solutions can assist you. We are a self-storage company based in Bristol offering multiple storage options with transparent pricing. Stashed Away is located at 91a Romney Avenue, Bristol, BS7 9ST. For more information call us on 01179 516325 or email us at info@stashedaway.co.uk and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you promptly.