5 Genius Storage Hacks

However, thankfully the internet is full of brilliant ideas to create new space for your belongings. We have collected five genius storage hacks for you which you should try at home.

And don’t forget, if you still struggle with finding space, just get in touch and we will offer the perfect self-storage solution for you.

1. This idea to store all your cleaning and other household products

2. Need some extra space in the kitchen?

3. Time to sort out the shed

4. A genius way to store your bedside belongings next to your bed

5. An easy and cheap way to keep your shoes in one place

Storage for any circumstance: But how could it benefit you?

Throughout life we’ll inevitably go through phases of stress and upheaval. Just because our lives may be all over the place doesn’t mean our possessions need to be. By choosing to hire a storage facility throughout certain circumstances could be an efficient way to save you valuable time, and prevent any potential damage from occurring. But why exactly might you need to employ some additional storage space, and how could you and your belongings benefit from doing so?

In the process of moving?

Moving homes can be an extremely stressful process, therefore anything to help everything run smoothly is always appreciated. Whether there is a slight delay in handing over keys, or you simply want to get some larger boxes and awkward furniture out of the way as you pack and clean, a storage facility could be the ideal solution.
Looking to de-clutter?

If you’re beginning to feel that your home is a little cluttered, and it’s time for a clear out, it doesn’t mean that you have to prepare to throw everything away. You’ll inevitably find items that you no longer have any use for, but it is also likely that you’ll come across family heirlooms and trinkets that remind of wonderful times spent together. Rather than getting rid of these memories entirely, and living with them filling up valuable space at home, storing them in a secure facility will ensure they stay close to you whenever you fancy taking a trip down memory lane. You can then look to pass down these items to your nearest and dearest safe in the knowledge that they’ve been well-protected and preserved.
Hoping to undergo home improvement?

Much like a home-move, home improvements can be testing. If you’re tackling a small project, you may simply need to remove certain items in order to keep them safe. For larger projects, however, you need to consider the potential damage that could occur if they are not appropriately protected. Moving your items to a secure storage space will protect them from any construction damage that could be inflicted, whilst also guaranteeing against potential water, or weather damage that might occur if they are left in garage or shed.

In the middle of a separation?

A separation of any kind is never easy to deal with. Whilst you’re in the process of dividing any assets, it’s comforting to know that your possessions are kept secure in one place. Using a storage facility for any of your possessions of valuables, can also ensure that you maintain a level of privacy when dealing with such a difficult situation.
If you’re still not convinced…

Whether you’re in any of the circumstances depicted, you may be considering the use of a storage space. If you’re still having doubts, however, here are a few other factors that may convince you otherwise.

Storage facilities provide consistently high-levels of security for your possessions. Enhanced further by the fact that you will be granted sole access to your items. You can rest safe in the knowledge that someone is watching over your things. Your items can also be saved from potential damage and dirt accumulation. You can keep your possessions in one convenient location, without having to rely on friends and family to store them. This means that you can stay organised and know exactly where everything is during stressful, and often, complicated situations.

Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal storage needs. Life doesn’t keep to a specific schedule, and we understand the importance of flexibility in these situations. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.