The Do’s and Don’ts of Storage

Whether you’re looking for storage units for your personal belongings in Bristol or are a student interested in self-storage for the first time and want to find out more, then welcome to Stashed Away.

If you and your family have decided to move house, or extend your property, then self-storage is the solution to all of your problems! As moving house can be a very stressful time, our friendly and reliable team at Stashed Away are only too happy to help. It’s important to find somewhere safe to store all of your belongings during the big move. Even more so if you are extending your property or renovating it, as you may still need access to these items, so safe and accessible storage is vital. It also makes builders and renovators’ lives a lot simpler, as all of your possessions and belongings are out of the way, clean and safe. One less worry for everyone! Breakages and damages are also a lot more easily avoided when your belongings are stored off-site. So make sure you protect your assets today, with Stashed Away.

Self-storage for the home can also come in handy if you’re travelling for work or have a long trip planned. Even if you’re a student looking to store your things for a gap year, Stashed Away can help. All of your belongings are stored safely and securely at our local Bristol depot. Our rates are also very competitive, making us a popular choice with students.

Even if you’ve used self-storage before, we’ve compiled a list of the most common mistakes, do’s and don’t’s, and other helpful tips to use as a guide when it comes to storage units in North Bristol.

Here are our Do’s – Do seek out these attributes when choosing your self-storage solutions;

Payment options such as month by month leasing are preferable, meaning you can leave at any time, for example as soon as you’ve found your new home or place to live!

Options such as a ground floor drive-up facility will save you so much time and effort, and avoid you putting your back out!

Clean, new, bright units that are in good working order – you and your valuables deserve a clean, safe space for storage.

On-site management – this means you’ll receive expedient and a more personalised experience, tailored to you.

Don’ts – here’s our list of factors to avoid when choosing a self-storage facility;

Long-term contracts – try to avoid these as you might end up paying for extra time you haven’t used!

Multi-story units – these can be a hassle to access, especially if you need to get to your belongings regularly!

Strict payment options with no flexibility – it’s good to have options when it comes to payments.

Old, dusty and mouldy units – avoid these as it usually means their other services aren’t up to scratch either!

Companies with an off-site management office – this means if you have any trouble or queries, it may be not possible to speak to a member of the team directly, not ideal.

One-size-fits-all units – avoid these like the plague, or you might just end up paying for storage space you’re not actually using, and no one wants that!

Units where only a lock and key are the security – to ensure your items are 100% guaranteed and safe, look for companies that offer additional security. After all, your valuables are valuable web.

For more information, visit our website today!

Simple Christmas Decor Ideas For A Relaxed Holiday Season

]As the autumnal days become filled with frost and wintery weather it’s easy to become lost in the chaos of the Christmas build-up. But as we become distracted by present-buying, meal planning, and working out where those extra family members are going to stay over the Christmas break, it’s easy to let our homes become filled with unnecessary mess and clutter.

Before the festivities get fully underway, why not take some time to consider the following seasonal storage suggestions to keep your home clean, your stuff secure, and your Christmas stress-free.

Keep those Christmas present secure and secret

Many of us will take serious pride in picking and hiding our Christmas presents, so If you’re looking for a way to guarantee that your presents will not be found, why not rent a storage unit? You will be the only person to have access to your unit, and you can be sure that they will be kept safe and secure until they need to go under the tree.

De-clutter before the big day

Having friends and family stay over is a Christmas tradition for many. But you won’t be able to cater for many people if there isn’t enough space. By using a storage unit, you can make some extra room for guests this season by simply moving furniture, boxes, and clutter to a secure unit until after the big day. Your guests will have a comfortable place to stay, and you can rest assured that your belongings are safe.

One other benefit of clearing out a bit of clutter before Christmas Day? You can make a little extra space for some fantastic Christmas decorations, and the wonderful gifts that we’re sure you’ll receive. Once the festive season is over, you can then take some time to go through the items in your storage unit and decide what you want to keep or get rid of.

Store those summer items

During the winter you won’t be getting much use out of your garden furniture and equipment. But why leave them in an unsafe garden shed that’s subject to temperature changes and could be exposed to water and frost? Poor storage and security for items such as a BBQ, garden tables and chairs, and your trusty lawnmower, could result in damage that cannot be repaired.

Storing your items in a secure and temperature controlled unit will ensure that you won’t need to waste money on expensive new equipment.

Make way for winter wear

Storage units are an absolute lifesaver for fashion lovers out there. Not only can they be a fantastic solution for clothing collections, but they are also a secure solution that will protect against dust and damage. As the winter months get underway, it’s important to go through your wardrobe and clear out any summer clothes that you won’t need for a number of months. But this doesn’t mean you need to throw them out! Package them up, and stack them in a storage unit, ready to come out of hibernation in time for the summer months.

After all, winter clothing takes up so much room, and we could always do with some extra space for cosy jumpers.

Short-term storage solutions

We understand that you need your storage to be as flexible as possible, which is why short-term storage solutions are available with Stashed Away, to suit the changing of the seasons. Winter won’t last forever, and your storage unit rental doesn’t need to either.

For an affordable and transparent solution for any of your storage needs this season, Stashed Away, Bristol, is the choice for you. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. Visit our website more information on the services available, or to reserve your storage unit pouvez trouver ici.

Storage solutions to get you through the festive season

As the autumnal days become filled with frost and wintery weather it’s easy to become lost in the chaos of the Christmas build-up. But as we become distracted by present-buying, meal planning, and working out where those extra family members are going to stay over the Christmas break, it’s easy to let our homes become filled with unnecessary mess and clutter.

Before the festivities get fully underway, why not take some time to consider the following seasonal storage suggestions to keep your home clean, your stuff secure, and your Christmas stress-free.

Keep those Christmas present secure and secret

Many of us will take serious pride in picking and hiding our Christmas presents, so If you’re looking for a way to guarantee that your presents will not be found, why not rent a storage unit? You will be the only person to have access to your unit, and you can be sure that they will be kept safe and secure until they need to go under the tree.

De-clutter before the big day

Having friends and family stay over is a Christmas tradition for many. But you won’t be able to cater for many people if there isn’t enough space. By using a storage unit, you can make some extra room for guests this season by simply moving furniture, boxes, and clutter to a secure unit until after the big day. Your guests will have a comfortable place to stay, and you can rest assured that your belongings are safe.

One other benefit of clearing out a bit of clutter before Christmas Day? You can make a little extra space for some fantastic Christmas decorations, and the wonderful gifts that we’re sure you’ll receive. Once the festive season is over, you can then take some time to go through the items in your storage unit and decide what you want to keep or get rid of.

Store those summer items

During the winter you won’t be getting much use out of your garden furniture and equipment. But why leave them in an unsafe garden shed that’s subject to temperature changes and could be exposed to water and frost? Poor storage and security for items such as a BBQ, garden tables and chairs, and your trusty lawnmower, could result in damage that cannot be repaired.

Storing your items in a secure and temperature controlled unit will ensure that you won’t need to waste money on expensive new equipment.

Make way for winter wear

Storage units are an absolute lifesaver for fashion lovers out there. Not only can they be a fantastic solution for clothing collections, but they are also a secure solution that will protect against dust and damage. As the winter months get underway, it’s important to go through your wardrobe and clear out any summer clothes that you won’t need for a number of months. But this doesn’t mean you need to throw them out! Package them up, and stack them in a storage unit, ready to come out of hibernation in time for the summer months.

After all, winter clothing takes up so much room, and we could always do with some extra space for cosy jumpers.

Short-term storage solutions

We understand that you need your storage to be as flexible as possible, which is why short-term storage solutions are available with Stashed Away, to suit the changing of the seasons. Winter won’t last forever, and your storage unit rental doesn’t need to either.

For an affordable and transparent solution for any of your storage needs this season, Stashed Away, Bristol, is the choice for you. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. Visit our website more information on the services available, or to reserve your storage unit.