Should I Get a Self Storage?

Hiring a self-storage unit can be a bit costly. Aside from the actual monthly rental, you also need to consider things like packaging materials and transportation expenses. This is why you should make sure that getting a storage space is the right solution for your needs.

Here are some of the common reasons why you might consider hiring self-storage.

Moving Locations
One of the most common reasons why people hire a self-storage is when they move homes. Moving out can be really stressful and having a storage space where they can put all the unnecessary possessions can help them figure out what to keep and bring with them. This gives them time to sort things out once they transferred locations. After they have sorted everything, they can now decide what to do with the items in the storage space.

Another reason why people are hiring storage space is that they are travelling around the world. Some even stay overseas for a few months or a whole year. Hiring a storage space, and then renting your property out for a year means that even when you are enjoying overseas, you can still make money from your home.

After 50 to 60 years of acquiring possessions, there will come a time where we finally decide to downsize. There are things that you may want to sell, but there are also those properties that means so much that you just can’t afford to let go. Hiring a long-term self-storage can help you with this. You can just put all the items you don’t want to lose in your storage.

Grown-up Kids and Universities
When the time comes, kids leave home to start their separate lives in different universities. When this happens, it is now time to move their things into self-storage and enjoy the extra space. If they decide to leave home for good, but still don’t have enough space for everything they own, you can hire a storage space for them. This is a good way not to clog up your house and garage with their possessions. Also, by placing their stuff in a storage space they can still return and sort it themselves.

Commercial Use
Self-storage for commercial reasons is gaining popularity as they use these spaces as an extension of their own commercial area. Before, small businesses have to deal with the issue of limited space causing them to get stuck into the “small business” phase. With the help of a self-storage, they can now expand and improve their businesses.

Securing An Investment
People who have treasured possessions, like a unique collection or an antique vehicle, but don’t have the space to keep them decide on renting self-storage. These investments can increase in worth over time, that’s why many people decide on keeping them aside, considering their personal value.

Self-storage vs Larger Apartment
A larger apartment means costlier rent. People tend to keep their possessions in self-storage than look for a bigger apartment that will cost them a fortune. Hiring a self-storage space might cost less rather than moving into a larger home just to accommodate the extra properties.

Keeping stuff you don’t need is always a bad investment. You have to consider renting a storage space if things that you are storing actually have value for you even after a long period of time.

If any of the reasons above apply to you, then you have to consider hiring a storage space. We at Stashed Away are more than happy to assist you with your storage needs. We offer multiple low-cost storage options, all with maximum security to give you peace of mind. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find something, the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.

How to finally succeed with your New Year’s resolutions


how-to-finally-succeed-with-your-new-year’s-resolutionsHappy New Year everyone! Is it already too late to talk about new years resolutions?

We all know this too well. Towards the end of the year and boosted with heaps of hopes we sit down and get a long list of life-changing ideas together: healthy eating, more sports, less alcohol, those kinds of things.

Unfortunately, only a few weeks or even days later, we figure out how difficult it is to adopt a new habit and get heavily frustrated – I am no exception.

But why do so many people fail to succeed? A poll by Bupa, found that the two main reasons for failing to stick to a New Year’s resolution are down to lack of confidence paired with unprecise goal setting.

In a bid to counter this trend, 52 percent said that setting small, more achievable goals will help them stick to their New Year’s resolution.

Let’s have a look at what are the most popular resolutions and how to manage to really stick to them. A recent poll by ComRes, has revealed that the top five New Year’s resolutions are:

Exercise more
Lose weight
Eat more healthily
Take a more active approach to health
Learn a new skill or hobby

All the above New Year’s resolutions sound very familiar, aren’t they? So, what is the key to eventually stick to them?

While many people have a clear idea of what they want to achieve, the problem is they don’t know how. Therefore, it is essential to develop a detailed action plan, to begin with. Action plans can help to experience less anxiety, more confidence, improved concentration and greater satisfaction about achieving goals and are more likely to succeed.

The key questions for an effective plan are:

1. Is it specific?
Bad goal: I want to save more money this year
Good goal: I will save £3,000 this year

A clear goal in mind gives you a clear focus on what needs to be done.

2. Can it be measured?
Bad goal: I want to lose weight
Good goal: I will lose 2 stone by my daughter’s wedding

Using figures helps to measure and follow the progress. This helps with keeping you motivated.

3. Is it achievable or attainable?
Bad goal: I want to speak to my friends on the phone each week
Good goal: I will use the bus journey home to talk with my friends every week on the phone.

Often we fail to succeed because the goals we are setting are simply impossible to achieve. Therefore it’s vital to ask yourself, is the goal you are setting attainable? Balancing the challenge to stay motivated and setting a goal that is not too hard is the key.

4. Is it realistic?
Bad goal: I want to fit into my old shirt
Good goal: I am going to get into my old shirt by July 1, 2018

Goals are easier to achieve when you set a realistic time frame. Consider long and short-term goals, while you are working on long-term goals, short-term goals help to constantly keep focussing on small steps.

5. Is it exciting?
Bad goal: I want to save money
Good goal: I will save money so I can take my family on holiday to Disneyland

Setting exciting goals help to maintain motivation levels high. Try coming up with different and interesting ways of making your goals exciting.

With the above tips why not start fresh with a detailed plan of action. By the way, if one of your New Year’s resolutions is to finally declutter the basement or loft and are in need of storage space, just get in touch with us and book your unit now.