
Storage During Travelling: What To Do With All That Stuff

Perhaps you’ve been hit with a serious case of vacation envy and you decided to go on a long-term trip somewhere. You thought it would be easy setting up everything- your passport, your luggage, your dog, your cat, and your phone, but then you’re confronted with this one huge problem. You can’t just leave all your stuff in your flat unattended!

Sorting them out is easy enough, but giving them all away can make you hesitate about leaving at all. Would the loss of your possessions, some of which proved their loyalty through the test of time, justify a trip which you’re uncertain of being worth your time? Luckily, you’re not the only one who’ve asked this and leapt into the unknown of pre-travel planning We’ve compiled you a list of things you can do with your things so that you’ll feel secure while travelling.[

1. Ask Your Parents

You might not want to part with all of your stuff but you certainly don’t have the money and the maintenance to keep them in a large storage facility. In cases like this, the persons you can run to for help are your parents. To be more specific, your parents’ garage. Sure, they might get a little surprised with your sudden long-term travel statement, together with the moving truck that contains your whole flat, but the thought of free storage can make their words sound like buzzing to your ears.

2. Sell the Useless Items

One of the upsides of going over your whole flat is to know what are the completely worthless stuff and have them thrown out or sold to your friends. If even your mates won’t buy them, you can set up a garage sale or auction them online. An online website is a good platform for selling the furniture and the small-scale things are good to sell on a garage sale. A few pounds from your possessions won’t hurt to add on for your travel expenses.

3. Give Your Things to Charity

This is for the ones who wanted to do good before leaving to have the time of their life. If you think you would easily regret giving your things to charity, then it would be better to just store them in boxes so that you’ll have them when you get back home. But if you’ve got a mountain of stuff you don’t know what to do with, then it’s better to give. You never know what the universe will reward you for this kind act while you’re travelling.

4. Rent Your Flat

One of the basic solutions of pre-travel planning is to have someone rent your space. With this, you don’t have to worry about unpacking everything when you get back or returning to your home and see some of your possessions missing because you’ve sold them or given them away. This could also earn you a few pounds as well and can definitely aid with your travel expenses. You just have to be sure that the person renting your space is someone that you trust and someone that will keep the space clean for you when you get back.

5. Rent a Storage

By far the best option, if you wanted safety and security for your things. Using an excellent indoor storage facility can provide you with the assurance that your possessions are not rotting away because of poor ventilation and poor packaging. A storage facility also keeps your things away from mould, rodents, and bugs. You can also be assured they are protected even in harsh weather climates. With this option, you won’t be bothering any family members and friends.

Bristol-based self-storage, Stashed Away, is a family run facility that offers an affordable and local solution to your personal storage needs. With a variety of storage solutions available to choose from, we’re sure you’ll find the ideal solution to suit your storage needs. Contact a member of the team today on 01179516325 for any further information about our storage availability.